Most of our clients use TrackApplicants for employment applications. A client told us the head of their HR department was spending from 5-7 hours per day routing job applicant emails and chasing down feedback on candidate job applications. TrackApplicants had the flexibility to directly address the problem with its custom forms and email routing engine, freeing up the HR director to focus on other critical priorities.
We also see massive potential for Customer inquiries, newsletter sign ups, employee help desk ticketing, employee surveys, and a heck of a lot more! Drop us a line and let’s see how we can streamline your intake processes too!
How We Helped A 4 Star Hotel With Job Applications:
Our client’s HR director was spending four hours daily routing emailed job applications. We implemented TrackApplicants for them, and now candidates go to the job application web page. They pick which Department they’d like to work for. From there, only positions related to that department drop down. After that, Name, residences, skills & contact information prior places of work, references, education, training and so forth. Finally, there is the capability to upload a resume and accept a signature. From your excel sheet, all the fields are accessible in the appropriate row and column; the resume and signature are saved through OneDrive and are fully accessible.
When the applicant presses the “Submit” button, four things happen.

The Human Resources Director gets a copy of the application through email.

The Director of the specific Department gets a copy of the application through email.

The content is inserted into the specific Department’s Excel sheet that captures all their applicants and timestamps it.

The content is inserted into the H.R. Department’s Excel sheet that captures all their applicants and timestamps it. This sheet has tabs specific to each department.
TrackApplicants uses a multilayered approach to protect both the forms and the data. To prevent Spam we use Captcha – this helps prevent bots from entering data needlessly. The domain or sub-domain is secured with a secure certificate: this helps identify and authenticate both the end user and the application properly. The data that is transmitted from the form, to the SQL database, and then to Exchange and Excel is encrypted.